Friday, May 20, 2011

A History of Travis Nelson's Freshman Year at John Carroll!

          It was August 2010.  The air on that almost-fall day was crisp and cool.  Travis Nelson was in the car on the way to the John Carroll School in Bel Air, Maryland.  It was his first day of high school.  That year, Travis had accomplished a lot that year.  Starting high school was a brand new adventure, and Travis was eager to embark on that adventure.  That year, he would take part in many activities at his new school.  
          Before the beginning of school, Travis attended band camp (I know, I know).  He played the trumpet in the school band and soon became accustomed to the new music environment.  Band would become a major part of his high school life.  He soon was involved in all types of music ensembles - marching band, concert band, pep band, and eventually jazz band.  Doing band was a great experience for him, as he met many new people along the way.
           Then, as school started, Travis met all of teachers.  The classes were new and interesting at first, but soon became his everyday routine.  The first half of the year went by quickly for Travis.  Exams were coming, and it was hard to believe that it was already January.  The first half of freshman year was gone.
           As time went on, the school year seemed to rush by.  Travis could not believe how quickly it was going.  With the winding down of the school year, the weather got warmer.  Spring was coming, and everyone knew that the rest of the year would be gone before they knew it.


          It was almost the end of May.  Travis was very excited that the end of the year was near.  He was also glad that he could rhyme rather well (see previous sentence, if you didn't catch on).  He only had a few more weeks of school left.  Travis thought these weeks would go by dreadfully and painfully slow, but those days would go by a lot quicker than he thought. 

And that is the story of Travis Nelson's freshman year at John Carroll.

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