Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mar 22 Daily

In my opinion, the Julio-Claudian emperors were not really as bad they seem.  Leaders will always have their own ups and downs throughout their lives and their time as leader.  This is still the same today.  Leaders in our world today have their issues, but they also have their accomplishments as leaders.  If a leader does something bad or something with which people do not agree, that does not make that person a bad leader.  Now, I am not saying that every leader’s actions can be justified; however, the quality of a leader cannot be determined simply by one or a few of their ideas, actions, and etcetera.  The Julio-Claudians, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero, certainly had their issues.  Some of these leaders were not the “nicest.”  For example, Caligula could be extremely bitter, rude, and sometimes rather cruel.  Some emperors were not considered sane.  Nero played his fiddle on a rooftop while Rome burned in a great fire.  Despite their many issues and negative connotations, the Julio-Claudian emperors contributed several things to the Roman Empire.  Augustus was a direct and straightforward leader, as he knew exactly what he wanted for himself and Rome.  Augustus also managed to develop a strong relationship with the Roman Senate.  Under the rule of Augustus, the literary arts flourished.  Augustus appointed a cultural advisor by the name of Maecenas to help him expand the art of poetry.  This period is referred as the Golden Age of Roman literature.  Another Julio-Claudian whom accomplished something great was Claudius.  Claudius led an expedition in Britain, which resulted in a great addition of territory for the Romans.  I believe that despite the many issues and downfalls of the Julio-Claudian emperors, this group of leaders was a very influential group to Rome and to the future of the Roman Empire.


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