Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb 10 Daily

There are many monuments in Maryland the surrounding states that locals understand, but outsiders do not.  Some examples of these are Fort McHenry, the Washington Monument in Baltimore, and the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine in Emittsburg.  To people that do not live in Maryland, there could be a misunderstanding in the meaning and purpose of these monuments.  Fort McHenry is an iconic location and battle spot in the history of our nation.  I am sure people all over the country know about it, but I would say that Marylanders know the most about it, only because we live so close to it.  Most people are familiar with the Washington Monument, which is located in Washington, D.C.  This is to be expected, as D.C. is the capital of our nation, and it is a much more famous place than downtown Baltimore.  Not a lot of people know that there is a Washington Monument in Baltimore.  As of matter of fact, the Baltimore Washington monument was the first of its kind; it was built before the monument in Washington, D.C.  Lastly, the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg is a dedication to Maryland-born saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton.  There are so many saints in the Roman Catholic Church, and the main reason so many Marylanders know of her and her legacy is the fact that she lived in Maryland herself.  

Below is an image of Fort McHenry:
Below is an image of the Washington Monument (Baltimore):
Below is an image of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton:
**All images are from Wikimedia Commons, and are therefore of the public domain.**

1 comment:

  1. to tie in what we also learned in class maybe you could write about some of the buildings back in the time of Alexander the Great or even about the pyramids in Ancient Egypt
