Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feb 9 Daily

            I agree that social and physical structures are constantly improving.  Today, in most developed nations, all people have basic rights that no one can take away.  Everyone is equal and no one person gets more rights than the next person.  Modern governments do not designate social classes as a way to define the dignity and/or power of a citizen.  Anyone can do anything they set their mind to, as over time, society has evolved from a way of keeping people down to bringing them up.  In ancient times, citizens of nations were put into social classes which pretty much mapped out the rest of their lives.  They did not have the opportunity to break out of these classes and become who they wanted to be in life.  Most were born into such social classes.  Basically, it went down like this: if you were in a high social class, you were respected; if you were in a low social class, you were not respected.  In those times, political and religious leaders had the most social and economic power.  Obviously, times have changed.  Also, physical structures, in terms of buildings, have also improved.  The things used to build structures has gone from mud, straw, and other weak materials, to concrete, steel, and much stronger building material.  Today, we are able to build skyscrapers that reach hundreds of feet into the sky.  Could a couple hundred foot skyscraper be built with mud and straw?  The answer is no.  Social and physical structures have definitely improved with time.

1 comment:

  1. Good I agree with what you have said, but also consider this social structures today still have class diversity, consider researching class warfare.
