Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feb 8 Daily

            I do not think war is a type of technology.  Many elements of war are indeed forms of technology, bombs, guns, and vehicles (tanks, airplanes, and etcetera).  I would define technology as something that is developed to better and/or advance society in some way.  This being said, I am not arguing the goodness and badness of war; however, I am saying that in my opinion, war does not directly better our society.  Think about it: in a war of combat between two countries, there is usually killing and hurt on both opponents.  Yes, one could say that issues are resolved with war, but it is not a very peaceful method of doing so.  Additionally, war is not something that can be developed as technology can.  For example, the light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison after so much experimentation and development.  Following this, Edison finally got it right.  War, however, is declared, rather than developed.  In history, war has had basically the same concept.  Two groups disagree and fight for power.  Today, this is still how war is handled.  Now, going back to the technological elements of war, vehicles, guns, bombs, and etcetera underwent testing, experimentation, and development before being commonly used in war.  So, I do not think that war is technology.  There are many things associated with war that would classify as technology, but war itself is not.  War is a man-made method of fighting for whatever it is that people may fight for.  To me, war is not technology.


  1. Now, I do accept what you have said but think about this; war continues to develop and become a more influential force in the world, much like the furthering of technology.

  2. Travis, you did a great job supporting your thesis statement claiming that war is not technology and I agree with you. However, here are some other links to websites that have a more in depth account of some major wars in ancient Greece, and
