Saturday, March 5, 2011

Feb 23 Daily

             I think Alexander the Great was a motivated, powerful, compelling, and convincing leader.  He knew what was right for his empire and was always ready to better it, as well as let people know who he was and how powerful he was.  Without his attitude toward expanding his empire, the part of the world that he had conquered would not be the same today.  Another prominent leader of the era was Pericles, leader of Athens, Greece.  Pericles introduced many new concepts to Athenian government and society, including aspects of culture, leadership, and architecture.  In my opinion, Pericles changed Athens for the better.  Despite the fact that Alexander and Pericles share many leadership qualities, they are still very different leaders, with very different methods of governing and, in Alexander’s case, conquering.  Pericles stayed within Athens.  He bettered what he had to work with.  Instead of trying to expand Athens as Alexander did to his empire, Pericles worked on Athens and Athens alone.  Alexander, on the other hand worked constantly to expand his empire under any circumstances.  He pushed whoever and whatever out of his way to accomplish what we wanted.  In my opinion, Pericles was a much gentler leader.  He did not “stomp over” towns, villages, and even entire empires, as Alexander did.  Alexander was a completely different person than Pericles, in my opinion; however, I believe that each one contributed so much to society and the world at the time.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job comparing and contrasting two major leaders, Alexander the Great and Pericles. Here is another website that you could use to give some more background information about Alexander And here is one for Pericles
