Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mar 16 Daily

Hannibal, born in 248 or 247 BC, was the son of the Carthaginian commander Hamilcar Barca.  His father led the Carthaginian army through the first Punic War. He had two younger brothers, Mago and Hasdrubal, as well as a brother-in-law, Hasdrubal the Fair.  From his childhood, Hannibal was brought up with hatred toward Romans.  He was taught by his father and people around him that Romans were forever the enemy.  His father actually made him take a blood oath swearing that he would keep the Romans as the enemy.  When he came to power, Hannibal led an army with war elephants from Iberia, over the Alps, and finally into northern Italy.  During his reign, he won three battles during the second Punic Ear – the Battle fo Trebia, the Battle of Trasimene, and the Battle of Cannae.  During these battles, Hannibal gained several new allies, many of which were former allies of Rome.  Hannibal was viewed and portrayed as a monster back in Rome.  After many other battles and adventures, Hannibal found himself being wanted by the Romans with no way to escape.  Believing he did not have another choice, he took poison.
            Based on this, I do believe that his portrayal in Rome was a fair one.  The Romans saw him as the enemy, just as Hannibal saw them as the enemy.  Hannibal was a fearless, relentless, and merciless leader.  It is sort of scary to think of the power of this hate for Rome that Hannibal had been developing for years and years.  I would definitely be afraid; I can’t blame the Romans. 



  1. I agree with your blog, he was a powerful enemy and therefore he was feared. Cheak this out for more info:

  2. Trav-You did very well with this blog, and I agree with what you are saying. You just need to read over your work because there are many grammatical errors. Instead of Punic War, you wrote Punic Ear. That's kind of awkward.

  3. I think your daily was very well written and I found out a few new things about Hannibal. The Romans should have feared Hannibal because he was a threat to their empire. Take a look at this source.:
    Good Job! (:
